Animation Progress

Elena Crites
4 min readMay 16, 2021

April 8

Over the weekend and on Tuesday I’ve been working on my storyboard as well as trying to figure out the sound for my project.

Loose storyboard

I decided what video I’m going to draw my sound from too — a video that Annie made with Adobe in 2020. I’ve made a rough cut of that audio too, though I think I need to cut out the background music that is used in that video and replace it with my own.

I’m thinking I’ll use music from the Grand Budapest Hotel, since the film her work is most well-known for, and I also just really enjoy that soundtrack.

This is the song I ended up deciding on.

April 13

Over the weekend, Brett announced that the video no longer needs to be 2 minutes, but instead we can bring it down to 1. I re-edited my audio with the new background music and shortened the whole length to just over a minute.

April 15

I’ve been working on a rough-cut video version of the storyboard in order to plan out when my animations should take place alongside the sound. Looking back on it now, there are still some areas that I think I should reconsider, and just polish up a bit more.

April 20

I’ve started working on the after-effects file! I’ve made some very basic progress with it, but I’m still struggling with what to do during certain parts of the video & I need to make some decisions on that front.

April 22

For today’s class I only really had the opening part of my video animated (that is — the head flying in and the ‘title sequence’ of her name). My plan is at the moment to really grind over the weekend and animate as much as humanly possible. I’d like to at the very least just have something for Tuesday that functions more or less as a full video.

April 27

I had a very productive weekend! I spent most of my time animating, and now I have some real bones to work off of. I’m pretty happy in general about how things are turning out, but I think I still need to come up with some new ideas for certain sections of the video. There are sections that really just feel pretty boring compared to others. I also learned how to use the 3-D camera tool, which was really interesting to learn, but I’m not sure if I even really needed it in the end. We’ll see what happens, but at the very least it’s something nice to know moving forwards.

Today in class I showed my video and received really helpful feedback!

I’m going to spend the next couple of days responding to things that people brought up, but also really just working on the sections I’m not so sure about. I’ll see what I can get done for Thursday, but I have a feeling this will end up taking more time than that, and probably overflowing into next week.

April 29

I made progress on my animation, though not as much as I would’ve liked. I think looking forward I’m certainly going to have to allot some time next week to really finesse bits of this and finish it up cleanly. I’ve replaced some sections I wasn’t happy with though, so that’s a really good start.

May 4

I’ve been pretty distracted by other projects, but I’ve been doing what I can to get as much done on this video. I had to figure how to use the motion graph editor, but after a bit of a learning curve there I think I’ve figured it out.

May 6

Showed my animation in (our final) class today!

Class Notes

  • purpose for repetition? with slide at beginning
  • letter should zoom in? make it feel a bit more dynamic
  • better transition between scroll and tv screen? more elements to scroll and then eventually to tv? scroll could also happen within the tv? how to execute…
  • loved the color…
  • francis: when the papers repeat go with music? maybe
  • blue background feels too vectory
  • replace weird letter with script for GBP or something, maybe a bunch at weird angles
  • recreate the magic from the landscape!
  • in landscape should it be from real place to space or something? not essential

Over the next couple of days, I really want to evaluate this feedback, but most importantly I really want to have this done by the time the show rolls around so I can show it then! I have a solid idea of what I still need to do, and I don’t think it’ll take very long either.

May 11

I finished! Here’s the final animation!

